Another January, another post... oops - BanoffeeCouture

Sunday 29 January 2017

Another January, another post... oops

Why do I seem to return to blogging every January? I read last year's post and it seemed a million years ago. It's been a really busy year - I got my first teaching job and time has flew since I started in June - I can't believe I've been here 7 months already. I'm finding it so rewarding, although tiring, and there is so much less paperwork than uni. The only downside is that I am contracted a year, so here I am scouring job sites again!

Looking back, last year I was full of hopes and goals, however finding a job wasn't as easy as I hoped. I attended endless visits to schools to hear nothing back. I applied to around 20 jobs and only heard back from two. I went to two tiring all-day interviews with a smile plastered on my face through endless tasks for one of them to rip me to bits in the actual one-on-one interview stage. It was an X-Factor style audition where you waited nervously to see if you had got through to the next stage - only a day for the strong-hearted. Part of me is dreading going through it all again, but I know I have more experience and confidence behind me this time.

But after the excitement from last year's first job and graduation, I'm not really sure what this year will hold. There's been a lot of personal things that has happened in the last year that means my family isn't around to be there anymore. It's something that really hit me at New Years Eve where I realised that the most important people in my life were now gone. It's still something that leaves me curious as to why things happened but grateful for the ones I still have.

So here's to 2017. Let's hope its a good one :)
(with maybe a blog or two... you never know)

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